Godot 2D Pixel Platformer Devlog 1 - Game loop

Today I worked on the game loop.

  1. Collect Cherries

  2. Door unlocks

  3. Walk home

  4. Level completed

I won't go into details about Godot Signals but click the link to find out more.

The player collects cherries.

Once enough cherries have been collected, the door will open.

Changing the Door sprite.

Once the player goes through the door, load the next level in the background while the animation plays.

I honestly don't know why I decided on this game loop but you could call it a gut feeling. The player has to find x number of cherries before the door unlocks while avoiding or killing the enemies.

I make use of the observer pattern to create a series of signals, checking if the door can be opened. So far it's going well but my brain is fighting my muscle memories as I'm coming from using Unity, C# and C++ to using a dynamic programming language where I don't have to (for most of the time) declare the type as the engine does it for me.